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Academic Girls Empowering for Success (AGES) is a leadership program designed for girls 12-18 to propel them on a global market.  We are dedicated to helping young ladies gain access to other female professionals in all areas of industry to empower them with the tools to succeed, while including STEM. 


AGES is a conduit to improvement and the connector to the family, school and community.  AGES utilize the 4 Stems of Harvest:  Academics, Leadership, Personal Identifications, and Civic Responsibility to help each girl create a network of strength from their sister Flowers.  


The Sunflower is a sturdy flower and the skills and knowledge the AGES Flowers receive allows them to be sturdy in their communities, schools, and families as leaders.  While we are all interested in various professions the facilitators and active community service efforts provide foundations and often extended information to help guide the Flowers in their career choices.  It is the goal of ages to produce young ladies who are virtuous, professional and community minded who strive to "Let their inner crown shine..."


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AGES will assist in getting the necessary academic support needed for the success of each Flower.



AGES show our Flowers that leadership involves more than being in charge but includes accountability, integrity, and transparency.

Personal Identification


AGES emphasize to our Flowers that personal identification is essential in today's society, as our girls must understand who they are and their societal roles. We address issues of concern that can cause negative feedback positively.

Civic Responsibility


AGES teach each Flower through community service by spending time in their communities and with the people.  We commit to at least 50 hours of community service a year.

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